Nervous or have questions about DeForest Gold Medal Wrestling?? Wrestling is a fun sport, but can be intimidating. Our Gold Medal Program aims to provide an enjoyable experience for wrestlers and their parents. Below are a few FAQ’s to help!
Directions for Tracking Wrestling Here
My child has never wrestled before and I don’t have any experience myself. Should I still sign up?
Yes! Deforest Gold Medal Wrestling is open to all grades 4K-8 at all experience levels. The strength of our program is that we have many coaches to help throughout practice. Our practices are tailored to instruct and teach. Your child will get one on one attention each practice. You will see improvements every week!
​​What if my child wants to just practice and not compete at tournaments?
There is no expectation or pressure for your child to compete in tournaments. We strive to use wrestling as a tool to improve every wrestler’s confidence and athleticism. Your wrestler is more than welcome to participate just in practice. However, you may find after a few months of practice, your wrestler will be asking to wrestle at tournaments.
​​What is a typical practice like?
We begin practice with 10-15 minutes of stretching followed by 5-10 minutes of dynamic exercises aiming to promote coordination and athleticism. We will then get the wrestlers in a large group and demonstrate a few key moves that we will work on during that practice. Wrestlers will then pair up with someone their size and drill the demonstrated moves. Coaches will move around and help each pair with their moves. There will be practices that we will have “live” wrestling after we’ve drilled. This will get your wrestler more accustomed to reacting and moving in a competition setting. We will typically end practice with 10 minutes of fun (dodgeball, relay races, etc).
​​What do I need for my wrestler?
Wrestling shoes and headgear are recommended but not mandatory for practice. Your wrestler can wrestle in socks (no bare feet) and then sweatpants/shorts and a t-shirt. Your wrestler can wear a singlet to practice if they prefer. There will be opportunities to purchase a Gold Medal Wrestling singlet/shorts at the beginning of the season. Please bring a water bottle.
How do I care for my singlet?
Do NOT place the singlet in the DRYER. Put it on a hanger and let it air dry, wash it on a regular basis if worn often. Wash after scrimmages and tournaments.
​​How do I decide what tournaments to attend?
Deforest Gold Medal Wrestling will release a list of tournaments that the program will plan to attend through TeamSnap. These tournaments will have Deforest Gold Medal coaches in attendance to coach your wrestler. Otherwise, you are free to attend other tournaments throughout the year, just know there may not be a coach in attendance. Gold Medal Wrestling and Dunkin’ Duals are FREE for registered Gold Medal wrestlers.
​​What is a USA Wrestling Card?
Required by the Wisconsin Wrestling Federation to participate as we are a chartered club. You MUST have a USA card to wrestle for Gold Medal Wrestling. This is a requirement to participate in all tournaments as well. This has to be renewed every year.
What about wrestlers "making weight" or "cutting weight" do Gold Medal wrestlers do this?
NO! This is one of the myths of youth wrestling. We do NOT have children in our club cut or make weight. One of the greatest aspects of wrestling is that it is a venue for all sizes. If you feel at any time this is an issue with children within the club, notify a board member immediately! At the high school and college level, weight classes are more of an issue.
For our youth wrestlers the only time weight matters is for those who enter a state qualifier meet in March and then advance to the State meet - they will need to maintain that weight class at both events (two weeks apart).
What is TrackWrestling?
TrackWrestling, “Track”, is a website that you will learn to love and hate. You MUST register your wrestler(s) on Trackwrestling.com for all of the tournaments (EXCEPT DUNKIN’ DUALS) to be able to participate. Registration costs are typically around $20-$35 per wrestler. Track is used to run all tournaments, and throughout the tournament you will be able to see when (match #) and where (mat #) your wrestler will be on. We have a GREAT “How To” on our website under the “FAQ” tab. At a tournament don’t be afraid to ask another parent how to monitor the tournament online, we’ve all been there!
What are tournaments like?
Tournaments are a great time for wrestlers and the whole family! The first one will seem overwhelming but after your wrestler’s first match, you will get the hang of it. It’s a great experience for the wrestlers to cheer on their teammates and for families to get to know one another.
Most tournaments do not have “weigh-ins” but instead use the honor system - the weight you put in when registering in Track is the weight group you wrestle. Don’t worry, your kindergartener will not be wrestling a 3rd grader. Tournaments are broken out by age, weight and most hosts take into account their skill level.
Once you arrive at the tournament you will need to make sure you check-in, this lets the host know that your wrestler is there and they do not need to remove them from the tournament for bracketing purposes. Signs will be hung up directing you where to go.
The host will also print a paper copy of the brackets and place them on the wall near the gym. It’s a good idea to take a picture of that if you can’t access Track due to wifi issues. This also allows you to share the picture with family members that attend so know what mat & match # to watch.
Most (if not all) tournaments have concessions, but if you want to save some money, pack a cooler with lunch and snacks. Bring cash as most tournaments do not accept PayPal, Venmo, etc.
Tournaments usually begin wrestling around 9:00 and are done around 1:00 - 3:00 depending on your wrestlers, age, weight, and bracket size.
You will hear “DO NOT LEAVE YOUR BRACKET AFTER YOUR MATCH - STAY WITH YOUR BRACKET AND REPORT TO AWARDS”. This is important, after the LAST match of your bracket the wrestlers (and parents and families) head to the awards area so wrestlers can get their awards and take pictures. It’s easier on the host if all wrestlers are present to give awards…and gets you home quicker.
Don’t forget to clip your wrestlers nails before a tournament - this way no one gets scratched! They do check nails at check-in.
​​I want to get involved with Gold Medal Wrestling. How can I help? We are always looking for parent volunteers! Here are just a few of the ways!
Our #1 means of raising funds is through concessions at the High School and Youth Tournament and we would like each family to sign up for one 2-4 hour work shift. A sign-up page will be available as we get closer but please mark your calendar for January 13-14!
We can always use more coaches as well so if you are comfortable doing so, please let us know. Otherwise, we always welcome parents to get involved in practice so please don’t hesitate to see one of the coaches and ask how you can help!
4th of July Pig Roast Concessions! A sign-up page will be available as we get closer but please mark your calendar!
Annual Meat Raffle on February 25!