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In an effort to keep our club registration fees low, we have elected against tournament reimbursement(s). We will continue to provide a code for the Gold Medal Wrestling tournament and offer an opportunity to wrestle at the Dunkin Duals (formerly Big Gain Duals).  We will make considerations as a board for the following tournament reimbursements for individual wrestlers this year and in the future:


· If a wrestler is unable to complete in regular season tournaments (those tournaments listed in Team Snap) due to financial constraints


· If a wrestler qualifies for State while registered as a Gold Medal wrestler* we will reimburse the qualifier tournament registration fee and the state tournament registration fee


· If a wrestler is a State place winner while registered as a Gold Medal wrestler* we will make additional considerations for competitive/national tournaments.  These reimbursements are limited to tournament fee and hotel reimbursement for the wrestler.  There will be a maximum of $250 per calendar year/per wrestler allowed. 


All requests should be made in advance of tournaments (other than the qualifier and state tournaments) and submitted to for board review and approval.  Any requests made that fall outside of these parameters will be reviewed by the board to determine if an exception is warranted. 


*Registration as a Gold Medal wrestler is defined as registering at the beginning of the season to be a wrestler of the club AND on the day of the tournament, Gold Medal Wrestling is listed as your club*


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